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Wednesday, Dec. 29, 2004 - 2:46 p.m.

So I'm throwing a New Year's party at my place with my housemate (is it weird to still say roommate since we don't share a room?). Anyway, I've got a whole mess of friends coming, but I've also invited some co-workers. This makes me slightly nervous. Considering I'm 26 and my friends are generally about the same age +/- 3 years. Now I work for a pharmaceutical company, and if you didn't know, the lab folks aren't necessarily the most socially adjusted bunch (read: moderately strange albino beaker jockeys). Now when we drink, we tend to go overboard. Especially with such a prestigious event as ringing in the new year. Meaning, any of the following could occur at any given time: streaking, kegstands, karaoke, and spontaneous dance-offs. I feel like I should warn them, yet I want to see their faces when at the last stroke of midnight comes and someone comes down in their tighty-whiteys and a banner reading 2005. Guess we'll just see what happens.

hula hooping on all fours,

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